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On Writing by Stephen King

Review: 4 / 5

Stephen King’s autobiography/instruction manual for writers, On Writing is full of useful tips for aspiring writers. Mostly though, it demonstrates that Stephen King is very, very good at telling engaging stories. The autobiography focuses on King’s early journey as a writer, from his childhood through his initial successes in the 1980s. This section is full of interesting anecdotes and was an enjoyable read on its own, even without searching for lessons to apply as a writer.

After the autobiography the book shifts to focus on King’s advice for writers, which may not be groundbreaking but all of it is thoughtful and valuable (says me, an amateur writer). My main takeaway was to write a lot and read a lot if I want to improve as a writer. Reasonable advice.

The book closes with an account of the accident that nearly killed King in 1999, which is worth a read even if you have no interest in being a better writer.


Title: On Writing
Author: Stephen King
Published: 2000
ISBN: 9781982159375
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