Searching and filtering with Turbo 8

Today we are going to build on top of an article I published last week to expand our knowledge of Turbo 8’s page refreshes and, as a treat, we will write some beautiful Ruby code along the way.

In this article we are going to add searching and filtering to an existing sortable table interface. We will use Turbo 8 page refreshing, a tiny Stimulus controller, and regular old Rails code to build a solution that maintains the user’s page state and scroll position while they search and filter the results shown in a table, no Turbo Frames or Streams required.

When we are finished, the project will look like this:

This article assumes you are comfortable writing Rails code. You do not need any prior experience with Turbo or Stimulus to follow along. Reading the previous article first will help clarify some of the concepts that we move over quickly in this article. You really should read the previous article before you read this one, but I’m not the boss, live life on the edge if you want.

When you’re ready, dive in.

Read the rest 27-minute read

Building a sortable table with Turbo 8's page refreshes

Scroll-restoring, morphing page refreshes are one of the headline features of Turbo 8. Page refreshes make it easier than ever to build modern, SPA-like experiences with Turbo and Ruby on Rails.

One of the most immediate wins for page refreshes is making it simpler to build search and filter UIs, so today we are going to get practical with Turbo 8 by building a sortable table view with page refreshes. I wrote about building sortable tables with Turbo several years ago; back when that article was written we needed to lean heavily on Turbo Frames. With the new tools in Turbo 8 at our disposal, we can simplify our code to the point that we will be writing code that will look familiar to anyone that’s worked in Rails before. Turbo’s page refreshes blend into the background and let us write simple, efficient controllers and views without sacrificing the smooth feel of a single page application.

The application will allow users to sort a list of Players by their attributes. The players will be displayed in a table, and users will click on the table headers to apply their desired sort order. When we are finished, our project will work like this:

To follow along with this article, you should have be comfortable with Ruby on Rails and have Ruby 3 and Rails 7 ready to run locally. You do not need any experience with Turbo, I will fill you in as we work.

Let’s dive in.

Read the rest 20-minute read

Turbo 8 morphing refreshes on Rails

Turbo 8 was released in February of 2024, to much excitement in the Rails world, and the broader HTML-over-the-wire community. At the top of the list of new features was the combination of tooling that added support for morphing page refreshes and scroll position preservation, powered by idiomorph and the ability to broadcast page refreshes with a new Turbo Stream action.

This combination offers developers a “happier path” to partial page updates. Turbo Stream DOM manipulation actions (like prepend and replace) work well, but they require maintaining separate code paths and have limitations when broadcasting data in applications that need to care about authorization and access levels inside of a team or company setting.

Morphing refreshes are a powerful new tool in the Turbo (and turbo-rails) toolbox but they require a bit of a mental shift to understand and they are not without their drawbacks. Today we are going to explore Turbo 8’s new refresh feature in the context of a Rails application, learning how to use page refreshes, how to use broadcasted refreshes to push updates to all interested users at once, and dig into the pros and cons of refreshes compared to Turbo Stream actions that manipulate the DOM.

Before we begin, this article assumes you have written Rails code before and that you have a basic level of understanding with Turbo and how to use it within a Rails application. If you are not a Rails developer, you may have a hard time following the code at some points.

Let’s dive in.

Read the rest 26-minute read